Photo courtesy of http://blog.winemag.com
On my recent trip down to San Diego, I stopped by Downtown Johnny Brown’s to check out their Allagash night. In the past I’ve had a few Allagash beers and really enjoyed them, so was intrigued to try out more. The favorite of the night for me was Allagash’s Interlude.
Interlude is categorized a an American Wild Ale. I’m sure most of you haven’t heard of this style and neither had I until a couple months ago! To be honest, I think when beers become complex, they aren’t easy to categorize and thus styles like “American Wild Ale” come into use. That being said, most of the beers that are categorized as American Wild Ale are beers that I like…so I guess I shouldn’t badmouth it. 😉
My initial thoughts on this beer: beautiful golden color; clear, champagne-style carbonation with an off-white head. Smells of apples and light fruit. You can definitely taste the brett, which most people characterize as being “funky”. I enjoy that funky flavor! I definitely tasted the apples as well as grapes. The finish had a white pepper flavor to it. Slightly sour as well, although I wouldn’t characterize it as a sour beer.  Interlude has an ABV of 9.5%, which means it packs a tasty and oh-so-delicious punch. This beer has a lot going on flavor wise, so I would suggest savoring it…bask in the beauty and uniqueness of this beer.
Results: 4 out of 5 pints